Element 7: GMDSS Radio Operating Practices

effective 8/01/2006

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7-A-087: MF-HF: SITOR-NBDP #2: Technical Characteristics

7-87J1: Which of the following statements concerning SITOR communications is true?

ARQ transmissions are made in data groups consisting of three-character blocks.

ARQ transmissions are acknowledged by the Information Receiving Station only at the end of the message.

ARQ communications rely upon error correction by time diversity transmission and reception.

Forward error correction is an interactive mode.

7-87J2: Which of the following statements concerning SITOR communications is true?

FEC transmissions rely upon an error correction technique, which transmits each character twice.

FEC transmissions are made in data groups consisting of three-character blocks.

FEC transmissions require a "phasing" or "handshaking" process prior to character transmission.

FEC transmissions rely upon parity and "repeat requests" to ensure error correction.

7-87J3: Which statement best defines the SITOR acronym "ARQ"?

None of the above

Error correction for one-way TELEX broadcasts of weather or navigation information.

Error Correction when 2 stations are in direct & phased telephone communications with each other.

Either a) or b), depending on transceiver mode selection.

7-87J4: Which statement best defines the SITOR acronym "FEC"?

Error correction for one-way TELEX broadcasts of weather or navigation information.

Error Correction when 2 stations are in direct & phased telephone communications with each other.

Error Correction when 2 stations are in direct & phased TELEX communications with each other.

None of the above

7-87J5: The purpose of "parity" in SITOR communications is?

All of the above are true

Error correction in FEC weather and navigational broadcasts.

Error correction in ARQ communications.

Error correction in NAVTEX broadcasts.

7-87J6: "SITOR" communications are based on a digital code system:

Consisting of 7 bits, with four zeros and three ones.

Consisting of 7 bits, with four ones and three zeros.

Consisting of 5 bits TELEX and 8 bits Fax.

Consisting of 5 bits for ship stations and 7 bits for shore stations.

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● = Unseen
● = Weak
● = Review
● = Learned
● = Incorrect answer
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7-A-086: MF-HF: SITOR-NBDP #1: Definitions
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7-A-088: MF-HF: ARQ Operation #1: Calling a Coast Ctation